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First of all, let me say how sorry I am for your loss of dear Jason. My 20 year old son Westley died last January 13 in his sleep at a friend's house. When I called a lifelong friend to tell her what happened, she began crying and said her 19 year old son Andrew had died on January 1, 12 days before, and she hadn't called because she just couldn't think straight. My family and friends and this friend helped me through the first months of shock and denial, but I came to Beyond Indigo in June. The friends that I have made here have saved my sanity, such as it is. If you post on the "loss of adult child" thread, just by replying to the last post that comes up on there, you can introduce yourself and your dear son, and you will find understanding, sympathy, compassion, support, from people who have been where you are and have made it through. Some have been there for years, and some like yourself, have only recently lost their child. Breathing at first is a challenge, and thinking straight, well that escapes me sometimes even now, after a whole year. I would not wish the pain of losing a child on anyone, but everyone here has been through it, or the loss of a grandchild in some cases. Please come there and post if you are able is the best advice I have for you dear friend. We talk and rant and cry and laugh and remember our beloved children and help each other out of the dark place when we find ourselves there. If you find that you have no words yet, just read and even that will help. Peace and hugs to you today and the hope of healing that can be found here.

Rest in Peace, Jason and may you, his Mom find peace as well

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Rhonda well said....

Jason's mom please come join us on this journey as we find our selves all on..

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I just lost my son (39) 4 days ago. Does anyone have any helpful links for right now? I have to keep reminding myself to breathe.

Jason's Mom,

I am so terrible sorry to hear of the loss of your Jason. There are many people here who have experienced the loss of their beloved children, and they will be able to offer you guideance, comfort and advice. Please know that you are not alone in this journey. We will be here to support you.


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