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I'm in my mother's room at her nursing home and waiting for her to pass, sometimes I feel strong and know she will be without pain, loneliness, and will be rid of her wheelchair, and has hope she'll see loved ones her parents, my father and my brother who passed away this last Christmas.

But I also feel selfish and can't stand the thought of losing her, and it's just tearing me up.


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Dear Bill,

All your feelings and thoughts are very understandable. I'm so sorry, I know this is an extremely difficult time.

Please know we are all thinking of you. Sending all my thoughts and prayers.

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On ‎10‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 5:49 AM, BillG said:

I'm in my mother's room at her nursing home and waiting for her to pass, sometimes I feel strong and know she will be without pain, loneliness, and will be rid of her wheelchair, and has hope she'll see loved ones her parents, my father and my brother who passed away this last Christmas.

But I also feel selfish and can't stand the thought of losing her, and it's just tearing me up.


It is never easy to watch a loved one suffer thru illness and especially when you know the end is near. I am sharing something I wrote about waiting and trying to keep it together. I lost my mom in 2011 after she had a massive heart attack. You never stop missing them but it does get easier as time goes by because you have those good memories to hold onto.


While we wait for this journey to end, we just wanted to tell
you how much we love you.
While we wait, we wish we could take some of your pain away.
While we wait, you will need to forgive us if we try to hard to
make things right.
While we wait, we want you to know that we would give anything
we had if we could make this go away.
When this journey is over, we won't shed tears because your pain
is over. We will be crying for us because we are going to miss you.
When this journey is over, those who have gone before us will
be waiting at the gates of heaven to welcome you home.
When this journey is over and your spirit is free to fly we will
gather together and celebrate your life. Knowing that one day
you will be waiting when it is our turn to be welcomed home
at the gates of heaven. KB

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