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Lost My Amazing Husband to Lung Cancer 7%10/18

Donna J

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My Husband was diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma 16months ago we were going back and forth to Dana Farber in Boston all the time very positive 40 radiation treatments Chemo, He was always smiling for the most part, the last 2 months started seeing him fail some as he saw it to, on may 24 he was sent home on Hospice,  small growth but in the wrong area closed off circulation to his left lung and found blood clots in his rt lung, from that point on I tried everything to give him happiness from taking him out on our jetski, to going to plum Island for lobster and steamers,  and going to his Moms 91st birthday

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On July 9th his Daughter and Granddaughter came to visit from Florida and his mom came to stay too, we planned a great visit He was feeling good that night we had a great dinner laughed and planned to go out on boat next day, that night He had a rough night Anxiety trouble breathing,  less than 24hrs of dinner he passed away total Shock, he was doing so good, I am blessed he didn't suffer at all, but I don't know what to do my heart is shattered it still seems like a nightmare and I just need to wake up, I try to be strong for everyone but I am literally dying inside , He is the Love of My Life, If there is a God, how can he be so Cruel

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i am so sorry for your pain and loss...but what a loving time you two shared--just reading about it took away some of my pain from my loss.


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I lost my beloved wife to lung cancer too. Unfortunately lung cancer is rarely detected early when chances of cure are greater. I am really sorry for your loss and understand your pain.
Though all the pain I am going through, I continue believing in God.

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I'm so sorry...lI lost my husband when he was barely 51, heart attack, he had one two days prior, caught us totally off guard as he looked the picture of health.  It's been 13 years and I miss him each and every day of my life.

I don't think God sets out to take them from us, more like we're living in a fallen world where our bodies give out, but He's been there with me through it all, giving me strength.  This has been the hardest thing I've ever had to go through.

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our thoughts and support on this forum are with you Donna J. It is a painful journey.  It is a personalized journey.  Find what works for you.  Only you!  One tiny step at a time. Your heart and your life as you know it has been shattered. Derailed. Allow yourself to feel his love and energy.  Even in deep pain you can experience it.  There will be signals.  Be open to receive all the ways he is connecting with you. 

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