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My dad passed away 1 1/2 month ago


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It’s already been 1 1/2month since my dad passed away and I still feel so sad. I try to go about my dad and pretend like I’m doing ok. But deep down in my heart and my mind I am just so sad. I go out from time to time with my husband and do things with my kids. But at the end of the day I just feel so sad again.  The crazy thing is . Me and my dad ad our connection through tv shows. My siblings and mom would laugh about how into our shows we would get and how we would call each other the next day , just to talk about our shows. Well this week a lot of the shows are starting to come back on and it is killing me inside. I try and watch them and then get all emotional inside and start to cry. I haven’t been able to wAtch a couple of them yet, it’s just to hard. My heart hurts and I just don’t want to be sad Anymore

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Hi Rosie3131,
I'm sorry for your loss. My mother and I also watched TV together. It was our time together. I haven't watched much TV since I lost my mom. It's not the same without her. There's noone to share with any more.
I wish I had words of comfort for you. We were so lucky to have had them.
Sending you a big hug.

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Dear Rose3131,

My deepest sympathies and condolences. Please know what you are feeling is normal part of grief. It is sad and painful to be without our beloved parent. Its hard to imagine our lives on earth without them.

Take your time. Be gentle with yourself. Grief is a rollercoaster and the feelings will ebb and flow. Keep letting them out and acknowledging the hurt.

Please know we are with you. Sending all my thoughts and prayers.

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