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Starting a local grief group.


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Well it has been a while since I last posted. Things have been so busy although I still read everyone's posts. I think it's going to start getting quieter now, so hopefully I can just be on my own and grieve without having appointment after appointment. 

It's now been just over 4 months. Very hard to think about as it only feels like yesterday I was in his arms. I miss my beautiful husband so so much ❤️

I was at my phsycoligst today and I asked about a support catchup group. Oddly enough, there isn't one in our town so we got speaking that if I organise one, she'd be happy to assist where she can. 

I have been thinking of starting one for quite a while but now, I really don't know where to start. Has anyone done this? I don't have any councilling qualifications so can I still start one? I know 2 other ladies in the same boat as me who would be able to attend then it's just getting word out. Where do I start??? 

If I can help other people (although I am still going through such a hard time myself), maybe I will heal in the process. I don't know...... 

How long has it taken you to find what you really want in life now as I really think I will never be satisfied. My life stopped the day my husband left us. I have young children but don't know if I'll ever be able to cope. I'm on autopilot at the moment. 

Sorry for the vent. Very emotional day today. 


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I started one over a year ago.  I get info from my experiences, topic ideas from the forums I belong to, and What's Your Grief and other articles, etc.  There's endless ideas.  Yesterday's was one of our best, it was on identity loss (no longer Mrs. Someone, etc.).

This is very different from counseling.  If you've ever been in charge of meetings, etc. it helps, just so you can keep things flowing, on track somewhat, give everyone a fair chance to talk (or not), etc.

I'd intended to start a grief support group years ago but I don't think I was ready then, I've learned so much over the years that has helped me.  That your counselor is willing to help is great.  I live in the country so we lack all the things the big cities have, including support groups.

This could be very helpful to you, as we go through this together.  I get a weekly newsletter from whatsyourgrief.com and keep it in an email folder labeled GRIEF along with other emailed information that comes my way for reference.  I also keep a folder on my computer that I put pdf and docs in on grief.  And I keep a chrome folder on GRIEF  that has bookmarks to articles I've read on grief, I have subfolders, etc. for easy finding.  Once you've amassed your resources, they're very helpful!


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