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Losing My Mother

Talia M.

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My mom had been sick for the last 7 years. She first got stage 2 breast cancer 7 years ago, then they treated it and it went away. Then 2 years ago, it resurfaced. This time, it was stage 4. It had come back at the base of her spine and by the time she died yesterday, it was everywhere. 

She would always tell me, whenever I got worried about her, "I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to die." That just makes losing her harder. 

Being a Christian, my remaining family and I all firmly believe that she is in heaven. But I just don't know what I'm going to do without her. 

She won't be there when I graduate high school or college, she won't be there when I get my driver's license or my first car, she won't be there to comfort me when I have a bad day... It just won't be the same without her and I don't know how I'll ever get through this.

I miss her so much already.

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Dear Talia,

My deepest sympathies and condolences. I am very sorry for your loss. I have to agree with you completely no one should have to lose their beloved mother so young.

During this very sad and difficult time, I hope you will lean on trusted friends and family members for support. Or reach out and talk to a school counsellor, grief counsellor or join a support group through church or in the community.

Please know you are not alone. We all here together.

Thinking of you. Sending all my thoughts and prayers

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I, too, know the devastating feeling of your mother dying before she can see how your life will turn out. I have felt the same loss and am dealing with her never seeing those same things too. 

My mother also told me she wouldn't die when I was so you (I'm 14) I hope that it gets

better for you eventually. <3

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Nicole-my grief journey


I more than empathize with you. My heart hurts a long with yours. I truly feel for you on losing your mom and I’m so sad for your loss of her. My moms cancer spread everywhere too and there was nothing they could do. It shredded me. I’m finding the loss of my mother unbearable. I don’t have other friends who have lost their mothers yet and so I feel even more lost on how to cope, what to expect and how to deal with what I’m feeling. What I’m doing is honoring the grief by feeling it, crying, saving things important to us, pressing her flowers in books, writing out all the things I loved about her, what I’ve learned from her, what I’ll miss and all the things we won’t get to do together (that one hurts the most). I’m hoping that if I get that out, and in sharing with others like you’re doing and in writing it, that it will help in the long run. Taking action of expression through pressing her flowers and taking pictures if the beauty she created in the yard and house Is something I’ve been doing to try and help myself and it works for an hour or two. I tell myself I have no choice but to go on living, praying my grief will transform. No one will ever be able to fill that space of our mothers, but we can look for mentors. Women that can be emotionally supportive, caring and give guidance. We need it. Therapy is also a good choice. Sending you so much love and praying for you. 

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