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Lost my husband suddenly


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My husband died suddenly and unexpectedly on Aug 16 2018.  He was not ill, exercised every day, ate right.  I found him dead in our Jeep, waiting for me.  I was in with my Mom in an appointment.  He waited in the Jeep for me.  He was reading, his book was still in his hands.  I am lost, he is my love, my best friend, my life, my husband.  I keep thinking this is a bad dream.  When Will I wake up?  I miss him so much I can hardly stand it.  We had just retired, had so many plans.  We were so in love and happy together.  I don’t want to go on, I don’t want to live without him.


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Dear Sspengler

I'm very sorry for your loss! No words can describe the pain when our beloved partner is taken away in an instant, leaving us in utter shock and without any possibility for a last "I love you!"


PS: May I suggest that you post your message again in the category "Loss of a Partner". I think there are much more people reading there, being in the same shoes as you and me, and possibly answering to you.

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