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Lost My Mom


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I'm new to this site, but I was hoping to find someone to talk to that understands what I'm going through. I feel so lost and alone.

  I lost my Mom in a horrific car accident on January of this year. 10 days before my 27th birthday. They say she never felt anything, but it was said to be horrific and it had to be a closed casket. My Dad was driving and almost died as well. Something that haunts me to this day is they were driving to come and see me. I asked them to come visit me. I feel guilty.

  My mom was my best friend, we were so very close. I told her everything, she knew me better than anyone. I feel so lost and broken and alone. I don't know what to do with myself. I was pregnant when she died, and lost my baby a month later. Then became ill with my gallbladder after that. I just haven't had a break at all this year. Will things ever get better. Will I ever feel as though I can go on and survive without her here? I never imagined my life or my future without her in it.

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Dear Winddancer,

My deepest sympathies and condolences. I'm very sorry for your loss. Please know everything you are feeling and thinking is natural and part of your deep grief for your beloved mother.

The first year of grief is the roughest. And it will feel like nothing will be better again. But with more time things do feel a bit more manageable. The pain and intensity will lessen. Please know you are not alone.

If you want to maybe consider talking to a grief counsellor or joining a support group in the community or through church. I also found these websites helpful in understanding my grief.

Grief in Common

What's Your Grief

Grief Healing Blog

Grief Recovery Method.


Please know we are with you. Sending all my thoughts and prayers.

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