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Lost my mother due to pancreatic cancer a few days ago


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My mother was diagnosed just barely two months ago with pancreatic cancer, I am 20 and my mum was my best friend, I spend most of my time at home due to not having friends that live in my country so everything I did I would always do it with my mother, everyday I’d look forward to greeting her after she got home from work and asking how her day went and talking about whatever or going out to do something together, movies, shopping, traveling, always did everything with my mum

I thought the day my mum came home really late which is unusual as she is always home by 4 or 5, to tell us she had been at the hospital because she went yellow and they found out she had a tumor in pancreas, I thought that was the worst day 

but everything still seemed hopeful, they immediatedly operated my mum and me being naive I thought that meant that they caught it early and that she just needed to get chemo so it’d be reduced to be completely removed, I didn’t research anything about pancreatic cancer or asked about it since the doctors never said anything about my mum being terminal 

Then this weekend came, I caught a really bad cold so I barely managed to see my mum on Saturday, didn’t get to talk for long because they had to change her bedding so I left saying see you soon, rest well mum and went on to rest on Sunday and Monday as I had come down with a fever, then Tuesday morning came and my brother woke me up telling me to get ready to go the hospital as he had gotten a call saying my mum wasn’t doing well at all. So we went there with my dad who hasn’t had the chance to visit her as he cannot walk well and when we got there, and entered her room it was the most heartbreaking thing I’ve had to witness, my mum was laying there barely alive, presumably brain dead with her eyes and mouth open but no sign of life except breathing with the help of a machine 

I am so heart broken, I know it’s  only been a few days and I will feel like this for long time but I just can’t believe my mother is gone, and I can’t get this image out of my head too. And how I regret not calling her on Sunday or Monday just to check on her.. just wish I had been more aware of her condition so I could’ve at least said good bye and spent more time with her 

I will always miss her so much I don’t think I will ever be able to replace her or live completely happy without her being in my life 

would really appreciate some advice on how to deal with the overwhelming emotions or hear similar experiences, I’m going to try going to therapy as well. Thank you for reading 

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Hello, I just lost my Dad a few hours ago.  I am so much older than you and I am devastated.   I am planning on joining a support group to see if it helps.  I am so sorry for you, Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and will pray that you can feel your mother each day in your heart.




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Mister Person

You have my condolences.

My mother just passed away this morning from Stage IV metastasized breast cancer. She was diagnosed with a malignant tumor back in 2016 via mammogram, which might have activated it. The lump she had was initially dormant for about 20 years. When she found out, she refused any and all treatment and let nature take its course.

Throughout 2017, she was mostly bed ridden & lost a significant amount of weight. The tumor was growing larger and consumed her left breast.

By February of this year, her health declined even further, and it was getting more difficult to feed her.

2 nights ago, she endured focal seizures, could no longer swallow, and her respiration became rapidly irregular. She was immediately taken to the ER.

By 8:29 am this morning, my 58 year old mother died. My family and I are currently going through the grief process + making calls to relatives and friends for a funeral service. 

You're not alone. Keep her in your thoughts and honor her memories.

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