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Struggling with losing dad

Missing papa

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Missing papa

1 week ago I got the worst call of my life. My father was found deceased in his home. I last spoke to him 4 days before when I went over to bring him dinner. He was only 63. 5 years ago I lost my mother to cancer. I just turned 31 and am now parentless. I cant get the image of him dying alone out of my head. He wasnt found until 2 days later. I feel like I failed as a daughter. Our relationship.had so many ups and downs. But lately he had become my world. We would speak almost daily. He was over weekly and was training my son in boxing. Oh how my son misses his papa. He was the best papa ever. Loved that little boy with every ounce of his being. I have gone through loss with my.mom but this was so unexpected. I dont know how to deal. I am broken. I am still grieving my mother and now my father. I just want to go back to last week. I want to wake up from this nightmare.

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I too losted my dad in May. I just can't come to grips with his death. Im starting to get depressed

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Dear Missing papa,

My deepest sympathies and condolences. I am very sorry for you loss. It is a horrible shock and very raw time. Be kind and gentle with yourself. The grieving process is a long road. I know how desperately we all wish we could go back in time.

Please know we are with you. And if you want to maybe consider talking to a grief counsellor or going to a support group in the community or through church.

Thinking of you. Sending all my thoughts and prayers.

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You did not fail your dad. I have felt that way many times and it is unbelievably the worst feeling ever. You have not failed your father at all, he is so proud of you right now for continuing to live. I bet he is very happy to know that the both of you had the greatest relationship before he passed. I am so sorry you feel that way. I am so sorry for you losing both of your parents as well. Please take your time.

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