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mother father and younger brother passed away


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hi! i’m cody (girl) 

my father passed away the day before rthry found out that i was a girl, (they had me when they were 18) i never knew him but i’ve always wanted to... i have a step dad also which i call him father because he’s always been like that to me. anyway i always look at pictures and home videos and he looks like such a cool dude. i just wish i could meet him. my mother named me after him.


also so almost two years ago my mother (32) and my half brother (7) were in a car accident. this probably sounds like i’m making things up... i wish i was. i was really close to them i will always love them . i never cry though which is weird, 


why don’t i cry? 

why does it feel like i’m the reason they all died? 

is there something wrong with me? 

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Hi Cody,

I'm so sorry for your loss.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with you and you are not the reason for their deaths.  Like my dad use to tell me, "It's simply life.  Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's really really bad, but without the bad days, how would we ever know we had a good day?". 

Have you tried to seek counseling or speak to a therapist/priest?  It can help a lot to speak to someone you connect with.  It also helps to write things here or to journal everything you feel.  There are also online resources for grief that can also help.  Please keep writing!


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