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My father turned a pistol on himself in 2005. I don’t know how to talk to my friends and family about how this is effecting my life after so much time has passed. I’m turning to strangers on the internet. 

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Nicole-my grief journey


I can’t even begin to know how you must feel. I’m glad that you are reaching out. In a loss so big, in the way that it happened, there is no time limit on how it can affect us. Sharing, writing, therapy and movement to get it out of our bodies is the only way I know how to help myself and it’s what I tell others to do when they don’t know what to do. I also know that it can be hard to bring up what happened and what your continuing to feel, around friends and family regarding that the loss and trauma still affect us. If a person hasn’t been through something similar or it being their close loved one...they don’t truly understand, although they mean well. There is a group on this forum called Sudden/ Violent Death In The Family and I know (because I am part of that group due to my own experience in finding my brother deceased in a violent way), that there are others who, although maybe different circumstances...can relate. There is also a group for Suicide Survivors: Help for people left behind. I hope you’ll share more of what your feeling, the ways that your being affected. Holding that inside is so heavy and I hope that some of us can help.

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