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Mom Murdered


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Hi everybody,

My mom was murdered in a triple homicide when I as 16. Killer was a family friend and has since died in prison. I'm 43 now and never seeked help. My dad died when I was six. So my older brother took me in and a year later I lived on my own ever since past that. I live with a sense of being abandoned, panic feeling at times ect. I played basketball that day, got into an argument with her over my truck tires, went to dinner and that was the last time I saw her and the casket was closed during her funeral so you can say I really never had any closure. Anyone know of a group for people like me in the St.. Louis, MO area? I am tired living the way I do and it has affected many parts of my life. Thank you for any help you may have to offer.


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Hi Billy,

That's a terrible ordeal, I cannot imagine what you have been through.

If you're comfortable, would you like to share more about your feelings in this thread? I'm not from St. Louis, so I am not aware of a group you can identify with.

But I find that it helps to open up sore issues and just talk about it, at your own pace.

May be start off by expanding on how and what areas of your life have been impacted because of this tragedy and what triggered you to seek help?


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