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Really missing my mom.


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So I lost my mom In April. My mom is my only parent, my dad left when I was really young. Me and my mom were the best of friends. I’ve spent every day of my life with her, the longest we were ever apart was two weeks. Besides now, that it’s been three months. She had a drinking problem and towards the end it had got really bad. Now that she’s gone I found out that she was diagnosed with heart failure last July. She never told anybody so her death was a complete shock. I lived with her at the time with my husband and three year old son. I’m the one that found her. I don’t wanna ramble on because I could probably write a book right now. But I just really miss my mom. I feel so alone and I feel like I don’t have anyone anymore. My husband is so supportive but not the way I want him to be. I know everyone thinks I’m over it because how strong I am on the outside but inside I’m so broken

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Dear Jennyfer,

I'm so sorry for your pain and sorrow. I know its really hard. People said the same thing to me but I was trying to put on brave face.

Take your time. Keep taking it moment by moment. Please know you are not alone in your thoughts and feelings. Keep talking it out with us.

Please know we are with you.

Thinking of you.

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