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Losing a parent at a young age

Madi Jones

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Hello! Im new to this site, and am getting familiar with it! I am 14 and lost my mom last April.It has been very rough, as a lot of responsibilities and worries have been thrown on me. I am simply just wondering if anyone on this site, is around my age and has a familiar story? I would love to chat! Thank you for your time.

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Dear Madi,

I am very sorry for your loss and for everything you have been through.

Please know we are with you.

I also wanted to suggest these websites for additional supports:

Grief in Common

Grief Healing Blog

What's Your Grief


Grief Recovery Method

Take care of yourself. Thinking of you.

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Hey. I also lost my mom in April. I’m not as young as you, but I’m 21. I feel like I’m 14 again though, because even though I’m an “adult” I feel like a child without my mother :( how are you doing?

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