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Loss of Parent


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Hi, I’m new to this site. I lost my dad a few months ago. My dad was older, but I’m still having a hard time dealing with his death. Dad had Alzheimer’s and was doing fairly well until this year. He lived at home and we took care of him on a daily basis. This year, he had surgery and had complications after the surgery. I know I should find comfort in knowing he’s not suffering anymore. I find it hard especially in the evenings when we had a ritual after dinner of talking and laughing before we got him ready for bed. I know the last few months were challenging for all of us, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way, he passed at home surrounded by his family. What has others done? 

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Dear Caterina,

I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved dad. During the first few months and year it will be very raw and difficult.

Please know there is no right way or wrong way to grieve. We all have to do what is right for ourselves. This will vary from person to person. Journaling, reading, art projects, going to counselling or joining a support group, volunteering.

I also found these websites helpful in understanding my sorrow:


Grief in Common

Grief Healing Blog

What's Your Grief.

Thinking of you and your family. Sending all my thoughts and prayers.

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