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Mom's first birthday


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My mom passed away in February, and her birthday is tomorrow. I have no idea what to do. I'm going to be home with my family (coincidentally), but it's still so fresh and raw, I don't know how to talk about it or do anything without totally breaking down. I'm also afraid of ignoring it and pretending like it's not happening, because I would never want to dishonor her.


how did you deal with these first important milestones, while still deep in grief and shock?

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Dear mayjunejuly,

I know its really hard. For myself, I took flowers and my dad's favorite coffee to his gravesite.

I know others have suggested writing a letter and sending it off into the sky attached to a balloon. Going to your parents' favorite restaurant or doing something for charity in their honor.

Please know there is no right way or wrong way. Do what you feel is right in your heart. Just thinking about your mom on her birthday is a nice way to honor her memory.

Thinking of you.

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