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My Mom Took My heart with Her


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My Mom Just Passed on April 20, 2018

Was the day she pass.My mom passed away rite before Mothers Day .My Mom was real sick, she had diabetes, she was on the dialysis machine for treatments. My Mom had a colostomy bag also , and after being sick with diabetes ,her vison went away so she was also a blind patient. My Mom couldn't walk at all I had to transport her around in the wheelchair. My Mom also had a bed sore womb on her butt from not being rolled over every two hours from when she was in the hospital. My Mom have 5 kids I'm her last child out of 5 and I'm happy I was her caregiver, I got to learn so much in the medical field cause I was helping her everyday! I have a set of triplets and they are two years of age.I get depress sometimes cause I miss her and I miss my kids having a grandmother. Even tho my mom was very sick ,she loved her grandkids so much , I remember her saying her vision is coming back so she can see the triplets. All I ever wanted was for her to see me be a Good Mother Like she was with Me and my siblings. I'm happy she is in a better place, I just wish my kids can say the word Grandma that's what's hurts me the most and causes depression.i ask myself everyday why my kids couldn't have a Grandma why my mom had to die.i didn't care about how many sickness she had , I just wanted her around ,I'm so selfish because she was sick and I use to wish she can be active like other women her age , sometimes I wonder will I die if my kids give me grandkids in the future,  I have to start taking more care of myself. I cry a lot but not around the triplets. I wish they had a Grandma , everybody just not lucky enough I guess. Life not simple.  I wonder what life would be like have my mom around for me and the kids.... I miss my mom ,my bestfriend. Ima get myself some help cause my mind be thinking about giving up but I know I'm strong, & I know the God that I serve is not going to give up on Me.

R.I.H Mommy 

I will forever miss you Chanel 

I will always love you in my heart 

I miss coming check on you 

i visit your grave but it don't help

God Got us Tho ! Your daughter and your Grankids...Get your rest Beautiful Queen.. any advice? How can I get some help I'm so depress family members not helping me,  they think I should just get over it.


I miss her,  How is this just simple to get over it?

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Dear Chris,

My deepest sympathies and condolences. I'm very sorry for your loss.

Thinking of you. Sending my thoughts and prayers.

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