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My mom


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So, I've been very withdrawn lately because of my mom's death. Yes, she lived a good life. She was 90. Yes, she died in my home, with me holding her hand. Yes, she had hospice on board and she was pain free as far as I know. But here, sitting in her room, I still miss her. That's all. It's that simple. I just miss her. My nights are flooded with memories of her and my dad and I can't cope with the things that need to be done, like all the presentations of her death certificate of all the places that need to know. The practical matters are almost completely beyond me. I'm swallowed up in my grieving. I miss my dear mom. That's all I can say.

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Dear DaughterMissingParents,

I'm so sorry for your loss. Please know no matter what age our parents were or what age we are, the pain and sorrow will be deep.

Please don't be hard on yourself. It takes a long time to work through our thoughts and feelings after losing our beloved parents.

There is no rush to handle the administrative stuff. Be kind and gentle with yourself. Everything you are sayings is normal and natural part of grief.

Please know we are with you.

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Nicole-my grief journey

Dear DaughterMissingParents,

My heart is with you. Sending love to you. It is pain like no other. Coping during loss like this feels insurmountable. I am going through it right now. Unbearable heartache. I feel everything you’ve written. Praying for clarity, strength and peace for both of us. 

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