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Lost of both parents


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I recently lost both of my parents about a month apart. I have been trying to find a job to move close to them for sometime without luck. When I finally found a job to move close to them my dad pasted away suddenly for he have been taking care of my mom terminal breast cancer. I finally moved in with my mom to take care of her and she passed away after about a month later. I'm here alone in their place by myself.  My brother lives down the street but he's busy with his wife and kids and don't even bother to answer my calls or let me see my niece and nephew.  My sister lives two hours away and she's a single mom with two sons and she's got  a new boyfriend and she doesn't even bother to check on me.  I feel so alone for I was very close to my parents.  I'm in a new place and I don't know anyone and I wish I didn't move.  I'm thankful I have my dog.  My new job is ok.  I have my good days and bad days.  This is the hardest thing I ever have to do in my life by myself  I have no other friends or family near by.  I'm giving myself a year to decide where to move to.  I don't really like where I'm living and too much memory in my parents place.  I tell myself one day at a time.



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Dear hearbroken77,

My deepest sympathies and condolences. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of both your parents. It is an incredibly difficult to cope. I'm sorry your siblings have not been more supportive. I know how hurtful that can be.

Please know there is no right way or wrong way to grieve. Keep taking your time and if you want to maybe consider grief counselling or joining a support group in the community. I also found these websites helpful:

What's Your Grief

Grief Healing Blog

Grief in Common

Keep writing and reaching out. We are here with you.

Take care. Sending all my thoughts and prayers.

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