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Lost my dad yesterday


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I am absolutely heartbroken, I lost my dad to sepsis just yesterday. I honestly just can't believe I don't have a dad anymore, there's just no way to put it into words. I am dreading the funeral, because it just seems like everything, from jewelry to specific songs reminds me of him. And I just start crying all over again. Please tell me that this awful pain, and what feels like a hole in my life, goes away or at least gets better because I'm just going from just functioning to being so down I just cannot stop crying or screaming or begging to bring him back. It was so sudden and he was a healthy young man, it's just completely and utterly shocking.

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Dear jaycee39,

My deepest sympathies and condolences. I am very sorry for your loss.

Please know you are not alone. This is an extremely sad and difficult team and it is only normal to be raw and very emotional.

We are all thinking of you and your family. Sending all my thoughts and prayers.

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My mom wrapped her car around a tree and died extremely violently. My mom was 5'3 and tiny. Knowing how she was killed and the extent of her injuries made the overall experience of learning about my mothers death nearly unbearable. I have not coped well, at all, and I understand the deafening, sickening, horrendous pain of loss that you are feeling. Sweet one, you're only a few days in. My loss occurred on March 19 of this year, so I'm working on 4 months now. The first day was without a doubt the worst day of my entire life. The shock, the grief, the pain, the absolute misery is something I would never wish upon even my greatest enemy. The first week was atrocious. The second and third week I escaped to the mountains with my sister and brother. We grieved together, and we couldn't be a part. Eventually, I laughed. Hard. And I meant it. I have felt joy, butterflies, and excitement and true happiness. I have also felt immense sorrow and pain. Sometimes, with no warning, I am absolutely struck with inconsolable grief and I sob for however long it takes. I went to the spot my mom wrecked and picked up all the things on the side of the freeway. My picture was among the wreckage, along with my brothers. A little gift my mom had on her dashboard from my sister that she kept for more than 10 years was ripped a part and strewn in the grass. Pieces of the car, and her precious shirt that was ripped off of her were among the things I picked up. She was ejected through the sunroof and landed on a barbwire fence. I went to where her body was picked up and I laid down in the dirt, sobbing, probably looking like a complete freak show but not caring one bit. I have since returned to that spot, but my God...the pain is relentless. Yes, it gets better, but I can't tell you much more than that. My behavior and actions have been terribly out of character, and it is obvious I am deeply in pain and not coping well. I am so sorry your heart is broken. Mine is, too. 

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I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My father passed suddenly 3 months ago now and it isn't easier.

It's more real now than before when it was still a huge shock but I can't say that you won't miss him more and more each day because I do.

It's something that I am learning to live with and work and friends are good distractions but I'm still having regular meltdowns when I am alone.

I think you just need to possibly talk things through to people about how you're feeling which I totally understand if you don't want to and feel they don't understand. But it does help slightly, although there is no way they can comprehend.

I hope this helps in some way and know I understand what you're going through. 

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I am sorry for your loss. I lost my dad two months ago today. It’s so hard to realize that he won’t be here anymore for holidays, birthdays etc. There are days I get though easily, and other days I lay in bed and just cry. I go to his grave and sob. I totally understand what you are going through. Hang in there, there are others here to help you who can relate because we are going through the same thing. 

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Lost my Dad earlier this year.  Miss him so much.  When he first passed everything reminded me of him.  It's been a few months now and things have gotten a little easier.  He loved gardening so when the spring came I became very sad all over again.  We planted some flowers that we knew he would have enjoyed and that seemed to ease the burden of loss some.  Some days I still cry and some days are better.  Just wanted you to know I understand what you are going through.  Hope time starts to heal this for you.

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On 7/4/2018 at 5:51 PM, jaycee39 said:

I am absolutely heartbroken, I lost my dad to sepsis just yesterday. I honestly just can't believe I don't have a dad anymore, there's just no way to put it into words. I am dreading the funeral, because it just seems like everything, from jewelry to specific songs reminds me of him. And I just start crying all over again. Please tell me that this awful pain, and what feels like a hole in my life, goes away or at least gets better because I'm just going from just functioning to being so down I just cannot stop crying or screaming or begging to bring him back. It was so sudden and he was a healthy young man, it's just completely and utterly shocking.

Hi Jaycee,

I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a parent when they are so young is unfair. 

it's been 2 months now that my parents passed (2 weeks apart from one another), and it's been a slow journey to get to some sort of "normal." Everyone is different and we all grieve in our own way. Just when I think I'm having a good day, something reminds me of them and the agony all comes crashing back. 

The pain lessens but never goes away (so far, in my experience). The way I see it or try to explain to friends and family is that from my losses, I can either sink or swim. Right now, I'm just staying afloat and doing the best I can. 

This forum is probably the best place to talk since there are so many of us in similar situations and everyone here is so amazingly KIND. We are all here for one another. 

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