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I Can't Fill The Void


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Hi everyone, first time poster. I'm very sorry for everyone's loss that posts here. My dad was my rock. He was the guy that taught me how to be a man, he taught me how to live, he gave me advice, he listened, he supported me, he was the person I went to for everything. My dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 Undefinied Carcinoma in August 2016. He was given six months to a year, and passed away on his birthday in April 2017. Ever since, I've felt completely empty. I feel guilty because I have an amazing wife and four kids, and even with those amazing pillars in my life, i cant get past the feeling of being alone. It's been a year and a half and i am struggling greatly with finding someone to fill all the roles my dad filled in my life. I dont know where to go or what to do to fill this void... and it crushes me every single day. 

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Dear Bottineau4,

I think its very understandable that the loss of a beloved father leaves a large hole in our heart and in our lives.

I found this article helped me a little because I too struggled:


I don't know if you want to consider talking to a grief counsellor or joining a support group in the community. Maybe a volunteer opportunity adopting a grandparent or helping in a seniors facility might help. I don't know if you belong to a church and if talking to pastor might help with this as well.

Please know we are with you and here to listen.

Take care.



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