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My mother


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My mother is dying, she's in the final stage of renal failure. I lost my dad fifteen years ago and it took me years to get over it. I know my mother's death will break me. I'm trying to accept it and find peace but I can't. I am a mother myself, but I feel alone, but it's so hard doing day to day activities, including work. I cry all the time. I'm not sleeping and I have constant headaches and upset stomach as I no longer have an appetite. I needed to share this because I need to let this out. Speak with others that are going through, or have gone through, similar. 

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Dear Cherylle,

I know this is a sad and difficult time. Please know we are with you and thinking of you and your family.

I hope you consider talking to the nurse about talking to a counsellor and getting more support from the hospital staff.

When I heard my father was dying, we were told he had 6 months or more but he passed two days later. It is one of my regrets that I did not spend more time with him in those days. I hope trusted friends and family can support you and allow you the time you need with your beloved mother.

Sending all my thoughts and prayers.

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There really isn't anything you can do to prepare yourself. Although you might try to "prepare" your mind for what is to come, your heart is a different story altogether. It's not easy, but you DO get more used to it as time passes. Unfortunately, the only thing that has helped me is time, but there are still days that grief overwhelms me to the point that I can't do anything but cry. Allow yourself time to grieve and take care of yourself. Cherish the time you have with her and hold those moments in your heart for the days to come. I lost my Mom to lung cancer in October 2016. Reach out to grief counselors, if you can. It really does help.

Best wishes to you.


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