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Mom passed 5 years ago


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My mom passed 5 yrs ago after being on dialysis for over 20 yrs. I was the primary caregiver. The night she died I couldn't bring myself to view her lying there,  it's like some type of fear had me. She died at my sisters house,  where she had stayed the last 4 months of her life. Even though I viewed her remains during the funeral,  I'm still dealing with the emotion of wishing I had stayed with her body a while before the morticians came that night. I miss her so much, but I know she not suffering no more pain. (Typing this has released so much pressure). As I look back, there were some things I didn't get to say I'm sorry about and it has been bothering me. I miss mommas beautiful smile. 

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Dear mstucker35,

Please know there is no right way or wrong way to grieve and there is no time limit. We all need to process this unimaginable loss in our own time.

I know many counsellors suggest writing letters, releasing a balloon with a letter inside or talking to our parents out loud and telling them what we wanted them to know.

Please know we are with you.

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