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Losing my dad


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I’m new at this and I just made an account but I’m so lost that I’ve been searching online to see if what I feel and other people feel is normal. I lost my dad about 9 months ago when I was only 15.  He was diagnosed last year and died the same year, I didn’t see this coming and it was very hard for me. I tried grief counseling but it just wasn’t for me.. I didn’t feel like sitting every week and talking about the same thing over and over again. So instead I decided to distract myself with my friends, this definitely helps distract me but doesn’t help what I’m feeling or going through. I’m so emotional and the tiniest things can make me cry. Everytime I think about him not being here I just think about everything he’s going to miss out on. I’m mad that everyone else has their dad and I don’t. I miss him so much and I don’t know when this heart aching pain will go away. I wish I had more time with him, I wish I made more memories and took more pictures with him. I feel like I don’t even remember things he did or said because I was little and didn’t think I would only have him for 15 years of my life. I’m sad that I’m missing such a huge part of my life and a huge part of me. If anyone can help guide me or just give me advice I would appreciate that. Thank you 

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Dear Katie,

I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved dad. I know its very hard. And everything you are saying is very normal when going through grief. Please know there is no right way or wrong way. We all just have to do what is right for ourselves. What works for one person will not work for another.

I really miss my dad too and wanted more time. I have tried different things to cope. Like you, I try to distract myself too with cooking classes, art classes, writing, reading and visiting him at the cemetery. I try to honor my dad by being the best person I can. I bring him a coffee to his grave site and tell him what is happening.

If you feel like talking out your feelings or looking to connect with others, there are many resources. I found these websites helpful in understanding my feelings.

What's Your Grief

Grief in Common

Tiny Buddha

Grief Healing Blog


Grief Recovery Method

There are also many Facebook grief support groups for loss of parents. I know its not an easy road and I think it will take a long time. It's been a year and half for me and I still have triggers. But we all do the best we can to carry on with each day. Please know you are not alone.

Thinking of you. Sending my thoughts and prayers.

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