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Lost my father a week ago


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Last Sunday, my father lost his 2 year battle with cancer. The doctors only gave him 5 months when he was diagnosed in August of 2016, but he was a fighter and managed to last until June 17th. I thought that I had prepared myself, but I didn't realize nothing can prepare you. My brothers and I were at his bedside when he took his last breath, and that image is scarred on my memory. I have so many regrets, so many unanswered questions, so much anger, and I don't even know where to start to deal with all of this. Today is the first day being home by myself after... everything, and it hit me like a ton of bricks that I will never see him again. That he's gone. I contacted a grief counselor through my work, but the soonest they can see me is next week, and I don't know what to do in the meantime. I feel so lost and alone. Can someone please tell me what I can do to make this hurt stop....

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Dear endofheart88,

My deepest sympathies and condolences. I am very sorry for your loss. It is an extremely difficult and sad time. I know the pain and sorrow is deep.

Please know we are here to listen and support each other.

It is normal to be raw and have all these emotions. Take your time to cry. I hope you have a some good friends and family that you can also lean on.

During the first few weeks and months, I cried a lot. And I tried to write and read as much as I could. For additional supports I would check out these websites or join their Facebook pages to talk to others.

What's Your Grief

The Grief Healing Blog

Grief in Common

Tiny Buddha


Grief Recovery Method.

Thinking of you. Sending all my thoughts and prayers.


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