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my dad died yesterday


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hi all, my dad died yesterday and I am literally broken.

he became very unwell suddenly. he was given a terminal diagnosis in march. they gave him up to 2 years to live, he lasted 3 months. I'm devastated, I don't think I can cope with this pain, it hurts to much. I also suffer from bipolar disorder and extreme anxiety and depression. I just know I'm going to become very unwell. I have 2 children that I have to stay strong for but I'm struggling so hard. I know its only been a day, surely its going to get much worse? and if I can't handle the pain now, how the hell am I going to manage from now :( 

and all I can think of 'he's not suffering no more'  but now he's all alone forever. :( he doesn't have anyone anymore. I can't get that thought out of my head. I just want to be with him so he aint lonely.

help me. please.. 

does anyone know any easy ways to deal with grief or how to cope? 

thanks for reading. 

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Dear kkinsx,

I'm very sorry for your devastating loss. I know the pain and sorrow is deep.

During this sad and difficult time, we all just have to keep taking it moment by moment. And if you want to maybe consider grief counselling or joining a support group. I also found these websites helpful in understanding my grief.

What's Your Grief

Grief Healing Blog

Grief in Common

Please know we are all here to listen and support each other.

Sending you all my thoughts and prayers.

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