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Lost my mum and brother and now my dad has cancer


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Hi everyone,


i lost my precious mother at the age of 19, very sudden to brain hemmoraghe then I lost my brother at 24 to car accident. I was very close with them both but since loosing our mam me and my brother got very close and his death really got to me. I was 6 months pregnant at the time too and he was very looking forward to become an uncle. 

Since loosing mum and brother my dad and my older sister became so close and now my dad has oesapgaragus mets liver cancer (diagnosed this February, 4 years after death of my brother) He’s had chemo but it didn’t work. It’s heartbteaking to watch him suffering. He’s lost so much weight and it hurts to see him like this. We having meeting next week to see what else they can offer us. 2018 has been a tough year.. my auntie (mum sister) had a brain hemmoraghe in February and her dad (my grandad) died the SAME night. My auntie had the hemmoraghe at 08pm and my grandad died at 10pm (dimentia) but thank god my auntie pulled through, the doctors didn’t think she would. We all became so close as a family after losing our loved ones and I just feel like what’s happening to our family?!

Anyone else in similar position? 

Lots of love to you all xxx

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Dear Welshie,

I'm very sorry to hear about everything that has happened in your family. It is a lot for one person to go through.

Please know you are not alone. I hope others will be able to add their experience.

Thinking of you during this difficult time. Sending all my thoughts and prayers.

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