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Want to grieve but can't because I'm a parent


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I lost my mom a month ago May 15th. She had been sick for several years with various things, but 12 years ago she was diagnosed with leukemia and took daily chemo. This put a tremendous strain on her kidneys and caused water retention all over her body including her heart.  It was this that caused us to almost lose her three years ago. Being the fighter she was she bounced back. At Easter, she had another episode, but this time it was her heart. Like before she was bouncing back and doing better until the call on May 15. The cause of death was a heart attack. Now here I am, a mom of 4, ages 16, 14, 13 and 11. I know that going through the grieving process is a must and can't be avoided, so I want to get on with it. My thought is the sooner I start, the sooner I will get through it, but I also want to be strong for my kids. To help I have reached out to a counselor that we have seen in the past and am getting involved in a woman's Bible Study to meet new people. I thought maybe if I chat here with people that have gone through similar situations I won't feel so alone in this. 

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Dear ewelamb1,

My deepest sympathies and condolences. I am very sorry for your loss. Please know there is no right way or wrong way to grieve. I think being around people who have been through similar losses is a good idea. They will understand where you are coming from and your feelings.

I know we all want to be strong for those around us, but do what you feel is right for you. Please know you are not alone. We are all here to listen and support each other.

Thinking of you.

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Broken soul

I'm very sorry for your loss and know how it feels having to be strong for our kids and others around us. I just lost my Mum on the 7th this month and am struggling with grieving and caring for my family. I know people say it gets better but it is hard and I don't think there is a set way to grieve.  I was taking care of my Mum so I feel it every single day and night and others have cried and gone on . I am still trying to find my way with it. I think finding this forum helps and I'm sorry others are going through this but I don't feel so alone. 

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