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Please help me understand. I fell out with my beautiful amazing husband cause he was drunk and I worked a long shift .. i found him dead in our car. Post mortum no expanation.. my husbamd had terminal lung cancer but was eating everything and not tired for weeks 

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I am so sorry for your loss.  Was he drinking because of the cancer and he couldn't handle it?  It's very hard to deal with alcoholism, my daughter is going through that with her husband right now, and it's unlikely they'll make it even though she's loved him for 18 years, not a lot you can do when someone's drinking.  I'm sorry things took a turn like they did.  It doesn't change who he was, the person you fell in love with, what the two of you had, it is hard to focus on that sometimes, but try to remember that person, before all of the bad happened.

Can you please give us more information?  I know it's hard to talk about.  When did you lose him?

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Please don't fault yourself. You did not have any idea that this would happen. I am sure that he may have drunk before but this day was different and no one on earth knew this would be his final day. You reacted your very best at that given moment. You did nothing wrong. You are not sure what transpired to cause his death. We all can only speculate but we are always 100% accurate. We have so many of us that saw symptoms or knew of an illness but still can't pinpoint what actually happened because there are so many factors that be involved. We, I must tell myself as a nurse that I did all that was in my power and I must release guilt and shame because I am not God. I am just a human being that loved and cared and did the very best that I could or was allowed to do. Praying for your peace and comfort is my prayer.

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