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Lost my mom at 8


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This is strange for me, ive never reached out like this but im hoping it will help me realize i am not alone. 

Ive tried to cope by ignoring.  Im 21 now and it seems its all hitting me.  I just have so many questions that dont have answers.  A lot of bad has happened recently and I have decided I no longer believe in god but with that comes with believing there is no after there is no "ill see her again" and it hurts.  I dont know how to cope with this realization that it is forever that she is gone.  I dont feel like i have anyone to talk to about it because how could they understand.  I guess this would be the place to find other people that do understand.  Im struggling.  Everytime I get upset it comes back to her.  If she was here maybe she could help, maybe she could help.  Maybe itd be easier maybe it wouldnt but if she was here or if i could see her maybe it would help.  It just hurts and i feel like im loosing myself because im so caught up in the fact that ill never see her again like i convinced myself before.  I barely knew her and its so unfair.  Its so hard to not to feel like that but thats how it is.  

Even just writing this makes me feel a little better thank you in advance.


(I also saw another post requesting a pen pal which i would be interested in if anyone needs one too)

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Dear galysag,

I'm sorry for your pain and sorrow. It is hard to lose a beloved parent and especially at young age.

Please know you are not alone. And we all here to listen and support each other.

Keep writing and talking it out with us.

Thinking of you.

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