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I really need help I don’t know what to do


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First of all I’m sorry for everyone’s loss. My mother past away on January 27th of this year. We weren’t extremely close but spoke every week and she actually paid my rent. I contacted her on the 27 didn’t hear from her then 2 days later then the next day and the next. She had never not responded to me so I became concerned. Something told at a week to google her name. The first thing that popped up was her Obituary. She had pasted away and my step father didn’t contact me. It’s been 5 months. I live in Georgia her in nyc. I went to nyc to find out how she died and to get in contact with my step father. I was able to get her death certificate but not her medical records from the night she died. I still don’t even know how she passed away and it’s killing me. I have written my ste father 6 letters some certified. Called probably 100 times.I showed up at there apartment(didn’t answer) and even did a well fare check on him as I was concerned about him. He told the cops he’s fine but wants to be left alone. I’ve also called the funeral home and tried to file a police report. He hasn’t filled anything in court yet. My biggest thing is how did she die? The other thing is I have begged him for my childhood pictures and Christmas ornaments as they mean so much to me. She also had  quite a bit of money. What do I do ? I’m so lost. The not knowing how she died is making it so hard. I’m constantly thinking about how ? She wasn’t sick etc and was 63. How can I find out anything without his help. How can I make him give me her things. I’m so so lost. Please if anyone has gone through anything similar I would love to hear from you. 

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Hello, I am so sorry for your loss. Dealing with a tragedy will never be easy. It is very unfortunate that your step father is being so difficult and disrespectful. Filing a police report was a good step. Whether or not your mother had a will, a lawyer should be involved to protect you from this nonsense. I personally would call this man out, put him on blast for being so uncivil. Do you have any other family you can contact? I was in a similar situation, but after getting a lawyer involved I was able to see an autopsy report and get some of my mother's belongings. Again, I am very sorry for your loss and I really hope you find out what happened soon. 

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Dear Franniek,

I am so sorry for your loss.  what a terrible situation!  Its amazing how your step father can be so cold?  He may not like you but you do have rights as a daughter.  Having a very difficult family situation myself, I understand how traumatic this is for you.  I agree with Melissa and take legal advice.  I am so sorry for you to go through this.  

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