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Sudden Loss of Young Cat


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In February I adopted the most beautiful little cat, she was 10 months old when I adopted her. She was so perfect and everything we had been looking for. From the day she came home with us she was cuddly and settled. Every night she slept under the covers, snuggled into my tummy. 

On Thursday she went missing, I called for her but she never came home. The next days my partner and I walked everywhere, shaking her food and calling for her, we put up posters and slept with the window open for her to come in. 

On Monday my partner walked along the train line, and to our horror, he found her. She had been hit by a train. He wrapped her in her favourite blanket and took her home, we buried her in the back garden. 

The loss and pain I feel is unlike any I've ever felt. It's so unexpected and unexplainable, I feel I cannot justify how upset I am. I feel like no one would understand because they would think she was just a cat. 

It's just so hard, I think I'm writing this just to get it off my chest. It's like, I know what has happened but all of a sudden the reality hits me and I collapse crying, inconsolable with agonising feelings of helplessness. 

I just want to know it gets better because just now it feels like it's getting worse. 

I cry when I hear the trains passing our house. 

Please tell me if you know any way to relieve my pain even if only slightly. 

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I am so sorry to read this. What a tragic thing to happen. I wish I could say something to make you feel better. It was an awful loss. Your sweet kitty was so young too.

I lost my cat to an awful sudden illness of some kind and it broke my heart - it came out of nowhere. I will tell you that you and your partner, although it will take time, and even if it doesn't feel like it at the moment, you will get better. This is quite a shock though, and you had a wonderful bond so it is just not something you get over easily. Just be patient and let yourselves grief for your kitty. It is okay to feel exactly as you do. Again so very sorry.     

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I am so sorry, that's very hard.  I'm sure it was over before she even realized, but the loss you are experiencing, that is hard to go through.  We face our grief head on, pain and all, because that is how it is processed, there's no way to circumvent it.  If you feel like crying, let yourself.  Grief evolves, it won't always stay in this intensity, but you will continue to miss her...eventually thoughts of her will bring you a smiling memory rather than pain, but it may be a good while before that happens.  There are grief support groups for pets, if you're near a city you might look for one.

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I am so sorry for you.  At least you were able to bring her home.  Take all the time you need to heal.


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