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Had to put my dog to sleep and now I can’t get over it


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For 8 years I loved my baby Sally. Before I got her, I was afraid of dogs. My daughter begged her father to get her a dog and I didn’t agree. When he brought this little, shy puppy to us, I was afraid of her. Didn’t know how to hold her or anything. That feeling went away quickly and she was one of my own. When we went places, Sally did too...when we ate, Sally did too lol. She became apart of me. About two weeks ago we started noticing her being distant and not wanting to eat. I took her to the vet and they did X-rays that showed a pyometra. I immediately scheduled her surgery but when the doctor did her lab work, it showed that her kidneys were failing. Sally wasn’t acting like Sally anymore and it hurt our hearts. When she would no longer look at me, I knew what had to be done. It seems like I’m hurting more than anyone in my home. Maybe because I was responsible for her care, even though she was my grand dog. I love her so much and it’s hard for me to stop crying for her. I DONT WANT ANOTHER DOG EVER, I just want my Sally back!


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What a sweet face. I am so sorry for your loss of Sally.

I had a cat we adopted when he was five and he was with us 10 years. We lost him very suddenly to poison or illness we don't know. But it was awful and it was a matter of two hours. It was shocking and devastating. He was like our child probably like Sally to you - a grand-baby anyway.

So I know where you are right now and what you are going through. I wish I could tell you something to ease your pain. Obviously you did the right thing for her. Just take it day by day. The grief is unpredictable and seems to come and go in waves... be patient with yourself and give it time. Cry. Get it out. Talk it out or write more here. We all understand.

Btw. it's been about 9 months since our loss. (I did adopt another cat a few months ago because a cat = joy for me. But she will never replace my other one and I know that.) I wish you peace and my heart goes out to you. 

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I'm so sorry for your loss.  She looks a little like my Fluffy (I lost him many years ago) that was American Eskimo and Cocker Spaniel, something about the face, the eyes.  Really adorable.

I recently read this by our grief counselor and administrator at another site, that she wrote in response to someone saying the same thing:

On 5/18/2018 at 7:28 AM, MartyT said:
On 5/16/2018 at 1:14 PM, bubbe said:

I will never get another dog so I don't have to go through this again.

That is one sure way to avoid the pain of loss, and it's completely understandable that you're feeling this way now. But the price you pay for taking that position forevermore is to deprive yourself of all the unconditional love and companionship that another animal companion can give to you. Give yourself time ~ all the time you need ~ to come to terms with this loss. The pain will diminish over time, and one day you'll find yourself remembering the love more than the pain, and the love is what you'll miss the most. It's then that you may decide differently about letting another dog into your heart and home. ❤️

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I love that KayC.


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