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I lost my beautiful girl Sasha Rose- how do I go on?


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I lost my 30 year old girl on 18/2/17. The days just go one at a time. I don’t have any thoughts of a future. Her twin brother was in car accident in 2015 and has Tbi and in wheelchair. I can’t comprehend what the last 3 years has thrown at me. I find it hard to feel and love my grandkids. I feel like all my emotions are gone. If it wasn’t for my son in wheelchair- I wouldn’t want to be here. I can’t explain how I feel to my eldest son. I just go on one day at a time. I was so so close to her. We understood each other so well. It’s like my heart is being punched all of time. I have no pleasure in anything. It’s no wonder I do t have friends or family support anymore. No one knows wat to do or say. Some days I am worse than others but I just pretend to be ok. When I think of the years to come without her- I just cry. I’m trying to be there for my younger son and grandkids but oh god it is so so hard.

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Dear Liss,

I'm so sorry for your pain and sorrow. Sending you love and hugs.

I know its an extremely difficult and sad time. It is so hard.

I hope you will consider talking to a grief counsellor or joining a support group in the community or through church. I find it helps to have a trusted person to talk to and hopefully access some more resources in the community that will help you and your son.

Please know we are with you. Thinking of you.


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