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Can’t face funeral tomorrow


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My Mum died 2 weeks ago and tomorrow is the funeral service and creamation. I really don’t want to go... I know I have to, in order to support my Dad and for my children but I don’t think I can remain strong and composed. I feel people are intrusive to want to go to see us upset. I know they are there out of love and respect and support but I don’t feel it. 

I have no support from my siblings due to conflicts in the past. 


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Dear Sarap,

My deepest sympathies and condolences. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know its extremely hard.

I know going to funerals is very hard. I too had conflicts with my siblings but we put it all aside when my dad passed. We were all so raw and sad. I don't like to show my emotions publicly. I cried mostly at home. I did tear up at the funeral but I did not cry as openly as I did at home.

During this sad and difficult time try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Believe they are there to give their respects and show the family love and support. Be there for your dad and children. And for yourself too. I reminded myself I too have to show my respects to my father. I wanted to give him a proper send off. It was what he wanted.

Please know you are not alone. We are here with you.

Thinking of you. Sending you love and hugs.

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Dear Sarup,

Attending mom's funeral is hard. I know myself because my mother passed away December 17, 2017. And her funeral was December 30, right before New Years eve. The butterflies in your stomach is much to bear and I even felt anxiety, like I was going to pass out. But as we pulled up to the church in family car and I saw my other family and friends there, my heart was a little eased. You are right, people mostly do try go come and see how upset the family is but still you know you were her daughter and she loved you very much. Unfortunately when death comes, you see people's true colors. So im not suprised about no suppport. I didn't have much support as I thought neither but you will get through it. Just breathe and take it slow as you can. I hope this helps. Hugs 

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