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My mother past away


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Hello my name is Dustin i'm 23 years old. I lost my mother on 6/4/2010 a week before my wedding which was 6/12/10 due to a massive heart attack, she was 41 years old. She was so excited about the wedding I wish she could have been there in person but i know she was looking down smiling. That day was supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life and it was but just wishing she could have been there made it very hard to enjoy everything. My mother was a wonderful woman who had a huge heart and everyone who met her loved her, losing her has really been difficult and it isn't getting any easier. I'm always thinking about the day she past away and i can't seem to get past that. I want to remember the happy times we had together but that day is etched in my mind and it sometimes consumes my thoughts. I find myself in tears daily. I miss my mom so bad I just wish there was a way to give her a hug and kiss and tell her I love her one last time.

Thanks for listening,

Dustin from Tennessee

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Hello my name is Dustin i'm 23 years old. I lost my mother on 6/4/2010 a week before my wedding which was 6/12/10 due to a massive heart attack, she was 41 years old. She was so excited about the wedding I wish she could have been there in person but i know she was looking down smiling. That day was supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life and it was but just wishing she could have been there made it very hard to enjoy everything. My mother was a wonderful woman who had a huge heart and everyone who met her loved her, losing her has really been difficult and it isn't getting any easier. I'm always thinking about the day she past away and i can't seem to get past that. I want to remember the happy times we had together but that day is etched in my mind and it sometimes consumes my thoughts. I find myself in tears daily. I miss my mom so bad I just wish there was a way to give her a hug and kiss and tell her I love her one last time.

Thanks for listening,

Dustin from Tennessee

Oh Dustin,

I am so sorry about your mom. She sounds so wonderful. When my father died, all I could think about was the night he died. However, after some time, I began to be able to remember and reflect and think about happier memories of him. He has been gone a little over a year, and I can actually smile and laugh at some of the memories of him even though I miss him terribly. The memory of your mother's passing will eventually blend in with other memories, but it will take a while.

It's okay that you are grieving; its only been a short while. A mom is a cherished and vital part of our life, and you will always continue to love her no matter what.

Do you have people to talk to? Are you taking care of yourself?

We welcome you here at Beyond Indigo. There are many, many people who have lost their mothers, and can be here for you.


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My mother passed away on 09/06/10. I know how you feel. My daughter will be getting married soon and her Grandma is not here to share this. It hurts so bad. Each day for me is a big void. I would just love to be with her and talk with her one more time. It is extremely hard for me since I am the only child and my father left us when I was very young. My mother raised me and did a wonderful job. I am here if you need to talk.

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thank you guys so much for your replies. to answer your question konnie I sometimes talk to my grandmother about things she is my mother's mother and has always been like a 2nd mother to me. I try to talk to my wife about it but sometimes I feel that she doesn't completely understand but I know she means well and is only trying to be comforting. My grandmother has always been there for me but she is in her 70's and not in great health and with everything that has happened I just wonder if something happened to her also would I be able to deal with it or would I breakdown.

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thank you guys so much for your replies. to answer your question konnie I sometimes talk to my grandmother about things she is my mother's mother and has always been like a 2nd mother to me. I try to talk to my wife about it but sometimes I feel that she doesn't completely understand but I know she means well and is only trying to be comforting. My grandmother has always been there for me but she is in her 70's and not in great health and with everything that has happened I just wonder if something happened to her also would I be able to deal with it or would I breakdown.

Awww. That's great you have such a good relationship with your grandma. I bet it helps her, too, to talk about your mother. I'm sure she is as devastated as you are, because after all, it was her daughter. When my husband's mother died, he accused me of not caring and not understanding because my mother is still alive, so I try to be very careful when he talks about her, and I mainly listen. I thought I was being perfectly understanding, but maybe I don't get it, even though my father died right after his mother. He seems to think there is a difference between a mom and a dad dying. Both are traumatizing and horrible.

You honestly sound like you are doing as well as can be expected at this point. Talking will definitely help you. There are lots of people here, and although many don't respond, they do read. And you are actually helping them, too, by verbally stating what many of them are too distraught or depressed or simply can't think to write.

So, we are listening and waiting for you to come back.

Have you gone back to work? Are you doing okay there?



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