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First Day in Heaven


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Thought some of you might find this as special as I did. The title, First Day in Heaven , covers our core. He is an Egyptian artist I found on Facebook and his prints have just become available in the US. 


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POWERFUL!!!!!!!!!  Hits our deep core!!!

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Beautiful.  When George passed, his friend gave me a picture of Jesus hugging George...it looked like a younger version of him, it hit me how much it looked like the back of him, that's what his friend thought too.

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This is wonderful. Thanks for sharing 

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That's really touching.  When it's our time to go, we will have one big celebration after we reunite with our love.

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Powerful picture - exactly what I expect - for eternity.

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On 4/30/2018 at 4:20 AM, Francine said:

Powerful picture - exactly what I expect - for eternity.

Francine - Welcome back!


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