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I Lost my loving son to divorce and unable to forget him


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I got a very painful divorce some years back when my son was just 3 years old. I used to love him so much and vice-versa. I recollect olden days spent with him and tears tolls my eyes everytime i recollect the same and feel guilty of divorce. I am unable to express his pain maybe as staying without a father (despite of having one staying far off) how he might be feeling. To me, it is a SIN separating a child from any parent and i feel lots of guilt that i took decision of divorce from my extra violent wife.

I am very emotional and loving being and last few years am unable to do 2nd marriage because i feel guilty that my son will feel bad. I really love him a lot as i cry...pls help

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I am sorry you are struggling it is a bereavement of sorts. I think perhaps you would be better off finding a support group for parents who have been divorced and isolated from their children or one that deals with parent isolation instead of this forum? There must be a lot of people in your position that could offer support and advice. good luck

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Jesse David & Taylor Mom

Hello Fatherofson, I am sorry to hear of the separation of you from your son.

Hang tough! It is a hard road to walk...


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