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I think it is nice that you keep track and I can only answer for myself, but I would be touched and suprised if someone else knew the time line of my childs death and is thinking of my child. The greatest fear I have is that Brian will be forgotten. I think I am the only one still in pain, still missing them.

He is lucky to have you. Others may have a different opinion, but this is mine from one who knows

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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Your friend is a lucky person. For him to invite you back, that is something. I just wanted to cower in a corner and not talk to anyone. Each of us is different. I am sure he appreciates your effort. Because he gets many people turning the other way, because his pain is too much for them. That happens alot. Sometimes I feel like I am wearing a scarlet letter "That is the women who lost her son."

You are a kind person. Keep praying and God will make it easy for and perhaps help your friend in the long run.

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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Brody said - "When I saw him back at work a week after the funeral, he thanked me and he thanked me for caring, adding with a laugh tht "I bored you with stories about her too."

WOW, a man who wants to talk!! Take advantage of that aspect of him. Looks like both of you have an opportunity to grow. Brody, I met with a councelor once who told me "Colleen, there will be some good things that come out of this" I wanted to smack her - How could anything good come from the death of my 16 year old son. But, I have met people that have changed my life. I have talked to other parents, I have met with other parents who have lost children. I felt like I have known them forever ---and we just met. Instant connection.

You have been given a very special gift from God. The ability to help one of his children while also helping yourself. Very rare indeed. I am one who will help you any way I can. Any questions you have I will answer and you do what you want with the information.

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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You are right, God will guide your conversations. Right now, your friend is in shock. When that shock wears off (in about 4-8 months) and reality is slapping him in the face, that is when he will need you the most. The finality of it all is really hard to accept. With the holidays approaching, the "empty chair" will be the size of an elephant.

Good luck, please let us know how you and him are doing?

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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