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Help for sister who is recent widow


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My sister who is 53 just lost her soulmate to a 3 month, HORRIFIC, journey, with cancer. She does not want to live. She has a grief counselor that she met with yesterday. She likes him. I don't feel that she is safe alone. 

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So sorry for your sister's loss. Try to stick with her as much as you can. At this stage she needs her private moments but also someone to take care of her. Bring her some food. Make sure she drinks lots of water. Talk to her about your BIL.



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http://www.griefhealingblog.com/2016/11/in-grief-being-there-for-someone-in.html  (note the links at the end of this article to other articles that are also applicable).


I am so sorry for the loss of your sister's partner.  I'm glad she's seeing a grief counselor, that's so important.  Further on down the road she may wish to join a grief support group, but usually people wait a few months first until they feel more ready.  It can be helpful for you to spend time with her whether in person or on the phone, just knowing she still has people in her life that care for her and are there for her.


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