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Beloved cat euthanized after terrible suffering


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A week ago I had the happiest cat, but then he hurt he's paw very badly. The vet left me with two options either we amputate the leg (it could not be saved) or we euthanize Edward because he was suffering. So obviously I would do anything in my power to save him so the leg was emputated. The operation was very successful, but suddenly two days later he became very strange.

He breathed very shallow, started to wheeze and cried out with meows. I phoned the vet they said it was normal for them to have pain after surgery. That night was the worst night of my life, he didnt slept one second he was crying out in pain and he fought for every breath he took. The next morning we rushed him to the vet and they said he had leukemia, and he was suffering terribly. Nothing could be done to save him, so I had to let him be euthanized. I dont understand why they didnt to the test in the beginning then he wouldn't have had this suffering.

I did everything in my power to give him a chance on life and then it ended like this, I cant get the image out of my head how he suffered that night, it was hell. 

Edward was so brave even in the mist of all his pain he never ever bit or scratched me, I will always have him in my heart.

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I'm so so sorry, that is so terribly sad.  We try so hard to do the very best for our furbabies so they don't suffer and sometimes it doesn't work that way. It's not your fault and you shouldn't blame yourself. I know that's easier said than done, I'm struggling with those same feeling. 5 weeks abo my dog also had to have emergency surgery, I was also given the choice to try to save her or let her go there and then, like you I wanted to do everything in my power to save her, and like you I had to watch my poor baby suffer more than I had ever imagined possible, she was whining, pacing and panting this went on for days.  I was then told she had terminal cancer and had between 2 and 8 weeks left. We're now on week 5 and I am watching her decline. It's so so hard to do the best for our furbabies because there are so many unknowns and hindsight is such a wonderful thing but we also have to forgive ourselves we try our best and do what we do out of love and I'm sure our furbabies know this which is why you poor Edward never bit or scrached you because he know you were only trying to help him and doing your best, he would have been able to see your distress and how upset you were to see him like that.  He would have understood I'm sure of it.

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Thank you so much, I appreciate it very much. It helps me a lot to hear this, I really hope so too and that he knows he was so so loved.

I am so terribly sorry to hear about your dog, will be keeping you in my thoughts. It is definitely not easy, they became a part of you. 

Thank you for your response and I hope your last days together are only filled with love.

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I am so sorry, I feel as you do, I don't understand why they came up with the Leukemia AFTER doing the amputation!  Did they test him for it?  I'm sorry he suffered, but I'm so glad he had a loving home and you to go through it with him.  Bless his heart, a wonderful cat to the end.

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I’m so sorry to hear about your brave friend Edward. It hurts, I know. We feel so helpless at times, we just want to protect them and then...

Yes, I understand what you mean by having that “image” in your head. That’s a tough one. Just keep picturing Edward happy, healthy, as he was during the best days that you shared together because That was Him. Keep a “Happy Edward” photo with you if you need to, every time the “painful image” comes into your mind - often randomly & without warning - yes?

My Mel (female german shepherd) has been gone since 1/22/18. And I always look at a picture at her when I get upset - it’s grounding.

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Me neither, because the leukemia should have been visible when I brought him to the vet and they did no test before his operation. He's gums were white and he was very thin thats how the second vet (the vet that did the op was different from the vet that euthanized him) knew he had leukemia. And when she did the test it was confirmed. But what I dobt understand is how could the firts vet ignore he's white gums and not do the test before amputating the leg, then he would not have gone through the suffering.

Thank you for your reply KayC, I appreciate it very much. He definitely was!

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Thank you so much MelsGone

Yes and the sounds and screams he made was terrifying, I hear it replaying in my head over and over. I was awake with him the entire night, and it was a horrible scene. But thank you so much for your advice I will definitely do that, I dont want the suffering in the end to replace the memories I have of him.

I am sorry to hear about your dog, thank you for the advice again will help me a lot.

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Hi Suzy, I am SO sorry to hear about your sweet cat. 

Mine suffered horribly the last couple hours of his life (from a poisoning of some kind) so, I know how traumatic it is and you're helpless to fix it. You really have to work at thinking about all the other times - which far outweigh his last day. I allowed that last night to haunt me and I was in shock for weeks and totally devastated. When I say "work" you have to work at it because you have to force yourself not to go there. Even now six months later I can get really sad, really angry or both. 

You did everything you could, I am sorry that they messed up so badly. :( Your sweet guy is not suffering anymore, and again I am so sorry for your loss. 


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Thank you AJWCat, it is terrible to be haunted by such terrible things that happend to something we loved so dearly. I am really sorry for your loss as well.

It is really hard not to think about that and the screams he made, I did get good advice to keep a photo of him where he was still healthy, so I remember him like that and not where he was suffering, maby it can help you too.

Thank you so much for your message I really appreciate it.

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Yes I look at all the wonderful photos, I think of all the good times. Hope you are doing okay. I understand the early days, they are tough. 


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I hate to think nefarious thoughts but I've learned to never put things past some vets...could they have withheld saying anything because they wanted paid for an amputations rather than a euthanasia?  It's either that or they're incompetent and shouldn't be practicing, neither way speaks well for them.  Thank God you took him to the second vet who did tests.  I'm so sorry you are haunted with such images and sounds.  As MelsGone said, try to look at a picture of him when he was at his happiest.  He always knew the comfort of your love and care and I hope the knowledge of that brings you comfort now when you most need it.

To your little one and all of us suffering our losses...


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