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Grieving the loss of stolen cat


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My cat, Quincy, went missing a week ago. I have done everything to find him. I got a call 2 days ago that someone saw my white cat being put in a cage around the corner from my house. He was a beautiful white cat. I am distraught wondering where and how he is doing.  He was the kindest cat I have ever owned. I am hoping this grief goes away as it is difficult to do everyday tasks. Thankfully, I have 2 other cats to grieve with. The young cat/kitten  is lonely, missing his playmate. When does this get easier?


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That is terrible..Certainly, you’ve been distraught not knowing where or how he is & anger at those who took him. I would be beside myself. I would feel like closure would not be possible. It’s the “not knowing” that is so tormenting. He does look like a very kind cat. Everyone has a different situation and everyone experiences grief differently, so there is no way to tell you when it gets easier, just know that it will. I’m very sorry about Quincy.

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Thank you. Yes, it's the uncertainty that is awful. I'm hoping that time will help. At the same time, hoping I get a call that he has been found. It's hard to move on and find peace. Thanks for your reply. 

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I am so sorry for all you are going through and for your cat too.  Have you reported this to the police?  It seems so unusual that someone would steal a cat but I wonder if they've had reports of other cats being taken also.  I hope you find him.  Maybe even run a story on the news?  Maybe someone out there has seen something or knows something.

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Thanks. I did report to police. The phone number for the lady that called me was restricted so I am unable to call back for details. It is unusual but Quincy was solid, pure white. It makes me wonder if someone took him to sell him.  He was microchipped. I just have to hope that someday he will be scanned. Thanks again. 

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I hope so, I'm glad you did report it.  My daughter's cat is pure white and beautiful, but even if they're some expensive purebred, they'd have to have the papers on them to get a good price for them.  Very very sad both for you and for your cat.  :(  I'd still consider the media.  SOMEONE knows something, it's just a matter of reaching them and them coming forward to say something.

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How terrible! I would be beside myself if this happened. Maybe you can also go online at look the shelters (our post photos of all the cats they have) I know it seems weird someone would trap your cat and take him to a shelter, but you just don't know do you? Make sure your microchip contact info is up to date too. So sorry this happened to you! :( 

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Thanks. I went to all the shelters. Also made flyers and blasted social media. My only consolation is that he must be being cared for. I know that cats are resilient and I hope he is comfortable and happy. I just miss him. Thanks again. 

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I guess that is all you can do, I am so sorry. 

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I am so sorry too, please let us know if you find anything out.  


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