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My mother passed away on October 10, 2017, which was also my two-year wedding anniversary. She was diagnosed with ALS, in October 2015 and waited until after my wedding to tell anyone besides my step-father about the diagnosis. I called my mom almost every day to talk about just about everything. From trouble at work to ask how to cook a corned beef roast properly, she was my go to person. I have not really coped with or dealt with any of this, and I am not sure why. Currently at my job, there is great conflict within our team, including gossiping and false accusations being filed with our supervisor, making the work environment very unpleasant. Normally I would just call up my mom and ask for her opinion on what I should do or how should I handle the situation but I cannot. I am not sure why this is hitting me so hard but it is very challenging. My husband is also currently facing work stress, so I feel talking with him will just make him more uneasy to know we are both facing difficulties at work. This is my first time posting on this forum, and any forum for that matter. Hopefully I can find the answers within myself.




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Dear kbring,

My deepest sympathies and condolences. I am very sorry for your loss. Your mom sounds like an amazing person and I know you miss her very much.

After I lost my dad people suggested I still talk to him as if he was in front of me. Or write him a letter. I felt like we never really talked to each other even though I saw him every day.

Sorry to hear about the stresses at work for you and your husband. I'm not sure if there is a trusted family member or family friend that could fill the role. Or maybe grief counselling or joining a support group or MeetUp group.  I found it really hard to talk about my feelings but I did find counselling was a safe outlet. No one had a magic answer for me but I feel getting some validation and acknowledgment of my feelings made a small difference.

Please know we are all here to listen and support each other.  Thinking of you during this difficult time.

Sending all my thoughts  and prayers.

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