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Feeling So Deeply Sad


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I lost my mother this week to a sudden heart attack.  She was in her 70s and yet it was very abrupt with no little to no warning signs.  I was talking to her that morning and then that same evening the EMTs were unable to get a pulse back.  I was there when it happened, am the one who called 911 and attempted to do CPR until the paramedics arrived.  We were very close, and I feel like I can't stop crying.  My father is also in his 80s and she was his only companion and now I'm intensely worried about him as well.  I just badly need someone to talk to who empathizes and have no one like that in my life.  I just feel like there's a great emptiness inside me now and I don't know how to begin repairing it, especially with the holidays approaching, which was a time of year she enjoyed the most.

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Dear Stragefate,

I'm so sorry for your loss.  We all know how painful it is because we are all going through it.  Its 9 months for me and it isn't better than it was.  I get on with the day but I feel sad all the time, so I understand.  I don't have anyone who even asks how I am.  After a month, everyone disappears and forgets.  I feel completely alone so I know what you're going through.  I'm really sorry for your father too.  it's got to be brutal for him.  I hope you live close by to him?  I'm so sorry.  Know we are hear to listen to your words.

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