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Guilt over loss of cat


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Friday at 5:00 pm I came home to my cat covered in blood and screaming in pain.  My dog had attacked her.  I always check to make sure they are separated during the day, but I left in a hurry after my lunch break & forgot to make sure they were on separate sides of the gate.  

I feel guilty that I wasn't here to protect her & that I didn't double check they were separated.

I rescued her less than a year ago & wanted to show her an amazing life.  I feel like I failed her.  I cradled her in my arms as she succomed to her injuries yesterday.

I didn't just lose one beloved pet, but will probably lose my dog as well.  I have other animals in the house & cannot trust my dog.

The sadness & guilt are unbearable.  I hope Pippi knows I loved her with my whole heart & am truly sorry that happened to her.

Thanks for listening :(

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Oh no I am so so sorry to read this! I too feel a tremendous amount of guilt for the part I played in my cat's death (which was sudden and painful.) It is really unfortunate about your dog as well, but you are right. You will need to decide what to do going forward. All I can say is that we are not superhuman and sometimes things do happen. There are so so many stories of animals here that were killed. It's never out of bad intention - in fact it's the opposite. People who adored their pets just like you. But something very small goes wrong, a simple mistake maybe or oversight... or just bad timing + life... like a cat not coming home after going out in the backyard. I wish you as much peace as possible during this time. Of course your kitty knows you loved her and at least you were there in the very end. 

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I am so sorry, this is so terrible....I understand why you feel guilty, but you didn't know this would happen. Sometimes things  just  happen,they are beyond our control. And guilt is a horrible feeling, it eats one's soul .I have been living with it for over a month now, I know it well. Please don't feel you failed your cat. I am sure she knew how much you loved and I am sure you gave her an amazing life ,no matter its length. I know the sadness too...it is unbearable because we loved them so much.

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Maybe if you rehome the dog specifying that he be the only pet in the home, it could have a happy ending for him as well.  I am so sorry about your cat, how horrible for her!  Once those images are in our mind it's hard to deal with them.  What happened was tragic, but it was a mistake you never intended it will be important to forgive yourself...we're human, we do make mistakes.  I too wish for peace for you, I'm just so sorry.  The following is one of my favorite articles...I have had to deal with the death of a pet through accident that I feel responsible for.


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I cannot thank you all enough for your words of encouragement, support, & understanding.

I returned to work today & it has been a very long day, just trying to keep it together.

I am very sorry for the pets that you've all lost as well.  They certainly play a huge part in our lives no matter how long we have them.  They take a piece of our heart with them when they go.  If only we could go back in time & try to change the outcome somehow. 

I am fortunate that I was able to spend some time with Pippi before she passed.  I just kept telling her how sorry I was & how much I love her.  I am glad she is no longer suffering, but I know I will carry this guilt with me for a long time.  Knowing that it was my actions that caused her death is a very hard pill to swallow.  She would still be here with me if I wasn't in such a hurry that day.  They have been alone before with no problems, but for reasons unknown, it ended tragically this time.

I am in the process of finding my dog a home with no other animals.  So now I have to prepare myself to lose another beloved pet :( It just hurts so bad..

I will definitely read the article later.  I need all of the help I can get right now.

I wish you all peace, strength, comfort, & hope during this very difficult time.

Thanks again for your support,




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Yes, read the article. It does hurt, and this is a really difficult time for you. I am so sorry you are going through all of this. I find if I need to express my feelings, coming here and writing helps. We all understand. 

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11 hours ago, Erinls36 said:

I cannot thank you all enough for your words of encouragement, support, & understanding.

I returned to work today & it has been a very long day, just trying to keep it together.

I am very sorry for the pets that you've all lost as well.  They certainly play a huge part in our lives no matter how long we have them.  They take a piece of our heart with them when they go.  If only we could go back in time & try to change the outcome somehow. 

I am fortunate that I was able to spend some time with Pippi before she passed.  I just kept telling her how sorry I was & how much I love her.  I am glad she is no longer suffering, but I know I will carry this guilt with me for a long time.  Knowing that it was my actions that caused her death is a very hard pill to swallow.  She would still be here with me if I wasn't in such a hurry that day.  They have been alone before with no problems, but for reasons unknown, it ended tragically this time.

I am in the process of finding my dog a home with no other animals.  So now I have to prepare myself to lose another beloved pet :( It just hurts so bad..

I will definitely read the article later.  I need all of the help I can get right now.

I wish you all peace, strength, comfort, & hope during this very difficult time.

Thanks again for your support,




I am so sorry you hurt so much and that you have to give your dog away. And knowing that you are doing it for his and your other pets' sake doesn't make the pain less.  I wish I could do or say something to make your guilt go away, I know how it feels.  There are always so many "ifs" and "shoulds" after a terrible loss but things sometimes just happen..it is not in our control. I am sure that Pippi felt how much you loved her and that she had a great life with you.


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Do you have any other pets besides your dog right now?  Perhaps you wouldn't have to rehome him if he is the only one, it's up to you, whether you think you can forgive him or not.  Remember, they operate under different code than we do.

Regardless of what transpires, you can know you gave your kitty the best life you could clear up to the end.  (((hugs)))

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