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Hello, my 8 yr old neutered indoor male cat slipped out the door 3 weeks ago. I am heart sick. We have done everything and anything we have read about of have been told to do. There has been nothing. No one has seen him at all! I dont know how much more my heart can take the disappointment of waking every morning to no fur baby. I am so worried about him! My question is this, should I continue to keep hoping? I want to keep hope but it is dwindling each passing day. Anyone have any suggestions or answers as I really dont know what to do. Anything would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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Oh no! I am so sorry to read about your sweet kitty. I will tell you from someone who lost my cat, I would never give up hope. I assume you have checked with neighbors and been to your local shelters, posted flyers? Maybe someone has taken him in? I'd keep looking and keep hoping. I can't say when it's time to give up, you will have to decide that. But I am very sorry this happened. :(

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When my cat disappeared I knew inside my heart that something got her.  I knew she'd never leave home on her own and she was in great health, got around great.  I checked with all neighbors, had them search their garages, flyers, no one saw anything.  She never went further than next door or across the street, it's a quiet dead end street, we all know each other.  But being out in the country it could have been a cougar or large bird that got her.  I even looked in the woods, never saw anything.  And I was outside all day the day she disappeared!

I don't know what to tell you, I knew inside my cat was not alive, even though I never found out anything tangible.  Trust your instincts.  It's the hardest thing in the world not having closure, not having something to bury or a memorial stone to buy, just because you don't know for sure.  My heart goes out to you, I know all too well how hard this is.  I can't tell you how long went by and I finally quit looking at the patio door for her wanting to come in.  Months.  A part of me still hoped even though I knew it wasn't so.  I wanted so bad to have her back cuddling up on me.  :(

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