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Meeting new people

Mom of Susumu

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Mom of Susumu

22 years ago, I lost my 8 day old son.  I never did have any live births after that, but several miscarriages.  Today, I was talking with my boss and met her sister. The discussion turned to how many children each person at the table had. I began to feel so anxious that someone would ask me how many children I had. Luckily, I did not get that question, this time. 

I have such a hard time with conversations like this. What is a good response, especially when meeting new people?  I don't necessarily feel comfortable revealing such a painful portion of my life to someone I am meeting for the first time. 


Any advice?

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Dear Mom of Susumu,

I'm very sorry, I know that is a difficult question to answer. I am a private person by nature as well and I would not want to reveal too much. And because you don't want to go into a discussion, I would answer that question in the way you feel comfortable with. Do not worry about others response. Even if your answer is "I don't want to answer this question" that will be okay.

Take care of yourself. 


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