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We went on a week long vacation and left our kitty at home like we always do as she was always happy there. I had someone check on her since we had never left her that long. They called 2 days before we were coming home and said they found the cat dead on our bedroom floor. She never had any real known problems. The week before she was drinking more water than normal but that had quit by the time we left. I made a note to myself to watch for that when we got back and I would take her to the vets. I am so heart broken that I left her and was not here when she needed me. My husband says it could have happened any day while we were at work. She was eating up until the last day. She was 9.






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I am so sorry for your loss.  It sounds like some kidney problems maybe?  Whatever it was, your husband is right, it would have transpired whether you were on vacation or not.  When cats don't feel good, they usually want to be alone, I'm not sure why...WE feel we should "be there" but that's not necessarily what they prefer.  I think they know when they're going to die, they accept it and just want to focus on getting through it.  We expect they should live longer and it takes us by surprise when they don't, I'm so sorry.  Your husband is right, but I know logic doesn't always enter in when our emotions are involved.  (((hugs)))

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Oh no! My heart breaks for you - it is painful enough to lose your pet, but even worse to have it happen while you were away. At least your kitty was at home with some peace. Kay is right being alone for a cat is not bad from their perspective. Doesn't change the grieving process and it is a process. I am on week 3 of my loss and my emotions have run from devastation, guilt, anger, and back again. Each time I get through one emotion and settle down, another emerges. If you need to share more please do, we understand. It does help to get it off your chest.     

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