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Letter to widow 10 years after her loss?


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I recently learned that someone I knew in my late teens passed away 10 years ago.  I discovered it via an online people search.  This was an adult male that I looked up to.  I'm now in my 60s, his widow in her mid-70s.  His widow is now living in another state, and I want to send her a letter expressing my condolences saying how much I looked up to her late husband, but I'm wondering if too much time has passed.  I have had no contact with that family since the early 80s, and.I'm afraid that I may open her up to grief again after she has healed.

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Dear Brinybay,

I think the widow would love to hear from you. I think people do want to hear they have made a difference. I think it would be a kind and lovely gesture to make.

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I agree with Reader. I believe she may be happy to hear from you. My father died 7 years ago. I love when people tell me wonderful stories about him that I didn't know. It makes me feel like he hasn't been forgotten. 


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